02 | Sep | 24

Richard Johnson

We Need YOU!

We need your opinion. Ideally, you’re coming to Hackney Bridge on September 13-15 and voting for the best traders in the UK at the 2024 British Street Food Awards. But we want more.

Because we value your opinion, we also want you to vote on the following:

Best Looking Van, Truck or Trailer in the UK

Best Food Hall in the UK

Best Digital Creator in UK Street Food

Click on the categories above and have your say. Share with everyone and let’s get properly democratic.

The Sustainable Restaurant Association are currently wading through applicants for our Sustainability Award.

Which just leaves the small matter of the finalists and their food…Eat Drink Vote.

The winners of all the above will be announced at Hackney Bridge on September 15, when all the votes are in. Tickets here.

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