30 | Jun | 16

Hugh Thomas

Real Battle Of Hastings

There was a time, believe it or not, when Andy Murray was ‘average’ at tennis. A young Richard Branson was told he’d end up in prison. And Mary Berry dished out her own soggy bottoms left right and centre.

But one day, that all changed. One day, these people started doing great things. And the British people where grateful to them for it.

Well…..A few weeks ago, the Royal Standard – a 300-year-old pub in Hastings – decided it was going to serve food for the very first time. The pub spent tens of thousands putting in a new kitchen, and a few more tens of thousands jazzing up its décor. The British people, no doubt, will be grateful to them for it.

The thing is though, and as much as it might help, to serve good food you don’t need a shiny new kitchen. You don’t need nice walls or inglenook fireplaces. And you definitely don’t need tens of thousands of quid. Even if a pub’s just got a potholed car park out the back, or a lonely patch of grass out front, or a little space borrowed from the neighbours, it has the potential to serve proper grub.

As the Royal Standard will tell you, it’s never too late to clear some space, draft in culinary talent (alright, we’re a bit bias, but our takeover app is a great place to start), and get the word out.

You’ve seen it, I’ve seen it, we’ve all seen it – there’s no doubt pubs have, of late, helped revitalise the general quality of drink. Let’s start doing the same with food.

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