15 | Feb | 16

Richard Johnson

Swedish Taco Mafia

Ah – happy days. One of the highlights of the 2013 British Street Food Awards (there’s a reminder over here)  was to see the baby pink El Taco Truck arrive (five hours late) from Stockholm. Bolle and Nikola turned up – via Billingsgate fish market — on the back of a tow truck. With a bag of soft-shell crabs and a transcendent attitude. They want on to win a lot of friends with their food and El Mystico — their oil-drum barbecue. Since then they’ve gone on to buy more trucks and, at the end of last year, publish their cookbook. In pink, of course. Now they’re the latest street food stars to be featured on the foodoracle. Couldn’t happen to a nicer crew. Maybe we should invite them back this year…

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