Uh, Like, Wow
I always associate mushrooms with autumn – when the ground is deep with leaves, and the air is filled with the smell of bonfires. It’s the best time – just before nature descends into its Winter sleep. But the farmed varieties are available all year round. Which is just as well for the wonderful Sporeboys team on Broadway Market.
I love their mushroom sandwiches. But then mushrooms on toast would probably be my last meal on earth, so I’m a bit biased. Or, if it was my last meal, maybe I would plump for two mushrooms, vast and baked, with their juices spooned over a thick round of sourdough toast. There’s something primal about the deep, farmyard savour. They are natural fast food. Just brush them gently – never wash – trim off their woody stem-ends and fry them quickly in butter and garlic. But Sporeboys don’t need my advice. The are doing everything just perfectly…….